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A Dharma talk is a teaching on Buddhism by a Buddhist teacher. Zen Master
Thich Nhat Hanh tells us: "A Dharma talk must always be appropriate in two ways: it must accord perfectly with the spirit of the Dharma and it must also respond perfectly to the situation in which it is given. If it only corresponds perfectly with the teachings but does not meet the needs of the listeners, it's not a good Dharma talk; it's not appropriate."
We are fortunate to have many recorded Dharma talks from our teacher Fred Eppsteiner, available both on YouTube (2013 forward) and on audio. Audio talks may be saved to your computer: Right-Click on the title and choose "Save As" on a PC, or Control-Click on a Mac. If you find this talk of benefit, please consider making a donation to support us so that we can continue to offer these recordings freely.
How the Talks are Organized
The Dharma talks are organized based on the three paths of the FCM Study & Practice Guide. An introductory talk from Fred about the Guide can be found using this link. Talks listed below are formal Dharma talks, including a number of Series from retreats or Series presented at Sangha. There are also links for separate menus of "Q&As," where Fred is responding to students' questions, as well as Guided Meditations. Talks from 2012 forward are included on Page 1; talks presented before 2012 are included on Page 2.
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