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Dharma Talk

Dharma Teacher Fred Eppsteiner

The Dharma of Scrooge

Tampa | December 21, 2014

Dickens' wonderful tale, "A Christmas Carol," is a very human story that we can all relate to. Whether one is studying and practicing on a spiritual path or not, this story reminds us that in the end, life is really about human kindness and how we relate to one another. While Scrooge is an extreme character, a man totally lost in the world of himself, we all have seeds of Scrooge in us. To see this and leave the unhappy world of self for the joyous experience of practicing generosity with others is to truly awaken.

The Dharma of Scrooge AudioVideo 

Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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