About | FCM Dharma InstructorsFCM Dharma Instructors are experienced Dharma practitioners who have completed a three-year Intensive Dharma Transmission Program and participated in numerous retreats and other programs with FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner, and who have been given permission by Fred to share the Buddha's teachings. They give talks and facilitate classes, Intensives and retreats for the Mindful Living and Dharma Paths for FCM, and assist with Wisdom Path programs led by Fred.
Betsy’s background is in counseling, mindfulness in education, art and organization development. She has been chair of the FCM Board of Directors and Sangha Care and Dharma Programs Leader on the Leadership Council. She currently leads retreats, workshops and Intensives and has taught meditation and mindfulness for teens experiencing homelessness.
David teaches a variety of classes and intensives at FCM and is scheduled to receive his Qigong teacher certification soon.
In 2013 Bryan helped to develop Wake Up Tampa Bay, a mindfulness group for young adults. He has also led retreats, taught classes and presented the Buddhist teachings in whatever opportunity has presented itself. Bryan also has served in a variety of leadership positions for FCM and is currently the Kitchen Lead, where he enjoys helping keep retreat participants well nourished.
Maria Teresa currently serves as FCM Community Leader and finds joy in sharing the Dharma through mentoring, teaching mindfulness and meditation classes, assisting in leading retreats, and sangha building through facilitating community activities and helping care for the community. She is happily married, works for Hillsborough County Government and has two dogs, a bunny, and a bird.
Chris lives in Fort Myers, where he helps with the Naples Sangha and serves on FCM's Board of Directors. He received his B.A. in communications from Florida Gulf Coast University, holds the rank of Sho-dan in the Shito-Ryu Karate-Do, and currently works as a software quality assurance engineer, loving husband, and father of his children, Bodhi and Kita.
John has received trainings in the Theravada, Zen, and Vajrayana traditions and has completed FCM's three-year Dharma Transmission Program. In addition to having taught various FCM Intensives and classes, John co-facilitates the FCM Naples Sangha and also is in his third year of the FCM Residency Program in Tampa. John was ordained as a member of the Order of Interbeing at Thich Nhat Hahn's Magnolia Grove Monastery in 2023. Prior to 2016, John lived and worked in Africa and Asia as a humanitarian aid worker for the United Nations World Food Program with a focus on food security, malnutrition and emergency response. More recently, his focus has been on service with FCM in a variety of leadership capacities (e.g., FCM Board chair and Leadership Council member).
Prior to 2010, Angie brought the fruits of her experience in mindfulness and meditation into her professional career as an employee benefits consultant and trainer. In addition to her work as an Instructor, Angie also serves as FCM's Dharma Programs Leader. She is a qualified teacher of MBSR and is a frequent teacher in classes, Intensive study programs and retreats at the Tampa Center. |
Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center | Click below to learn about: |