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    • 16 Feb 2025
    • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
    • In-Person (FCM Members)


    Class is Feb 16, 12:30 to 2:00 pm, in person only in Tampa Meditation Hall
    Ceremony is March 23, 9:30 to 11:30 am, in person only in Tampa Meditation Hall

    Registration Deadline:  February 9

    FCM members who are interested in learning more about making a formal commitment to follow the Buddhist path of practice.


    Since the time of the Buddha, people have expressed their commitment to follow the Buddhist path of practice by taking refuge in the Three Jewels and by receiving transmission of the five Buddhist Precepts or Trainings. Our teacher, Fred, was formally authorized by Thich Nhat Hanh to transmit the Refuges and Trainings.

    Fred will be conducting a Transmission Ceremony at the Tampa Practice Center on Sunday morning, March 23, for any FCM members, including teenagers 13 years and older, who wish to formally Take Refuge and receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings. He will also be transmitting the Two Promises for younger children. As Fred believes this is an important step in one’s spiritual development, you must be present in person at the Center in order to take Transmission.

    Taking Refuge

    Taking Refuge means to take refuge in the Three Jewels—the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. By taking refuge we express our trust in our own capacity to awaken, in the path of practice and mindful living, and in the sangha community to provide a refuge of safety, guidance, and support.

    In the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition, this is expressed as:

    I take refuge in the Buddha, the one who shows me the way in this life.

    I take refuge in the Dharma, the path of understanding and love.

    I take refuge in the Sangha, the community that lives in harmony and awareness.

    Further information on Taking Refuge can be found on the FCM website under Formally Entering the Path.

    The Five Mindfulness Trainings or Precepts

    Thich Nhat Hanh has formulated the traditional five Buddhist precepts as The Five Mindfulness Trainings. They provide the basis for living in ways that create happiness and relieve suffering for ourselves and for others. They are not authoritative rules imposed from the outside but rather guidelines for reflecting on our own actions and their consequences in order to live a more consciously aware life. The Five Mindfulness Trainings can be found on the FCM website under Teachings.

    The Two Promises for Children
    The Two Promises are the mindfulness trainings developed by Thich Nhat Hanh for children. Children of FCM members who are in elementary school (grades 1-5) and middle school (grades 6-8) are eligible to receive Transmission of the Two Promises on March 23. If you are interested please contact Karuna by February 7 at The preparation session for Transmission of the Two Promises will take place during the Family Program, and on zoom, if needed. You will find the Two Promises under the Family and Teen Program on our website.

    The preparatory class will provide further explanation of the Three Refuges and the Five Mindfulness Trainings, explore ways they can be manifested in our daily lives and offer opportunities for questions and answers. Registering and attending the class does not obligate you to Take Refuge or Transmission.  You are welcome to attend if you are just interested in learning more about these two practices and traditions that are integral to the Buddhist path.


    There is no fee for this class or Ceremony.

    Registration Notes

    You must register and attend one of the two classes in order to participate in the Transmission Ceremony on March 23.

    The ceremony on March 23 will be the only time the Transmission Ceremony will be offered. To receive transmission, you must be present in person at the Tampa Practice Center or on zoom for the ceremony.

    Teenagers 13 and older who are children of FCM members are eligible to take the Five Mindfulness Trainings at the same time as the adults. Parents, pleaser register for one of the preparatory classes and put your teen’s name and age in the indicated box in the registration form.

    Contacts for More Information

    If you have any questions about this Intensive program or whether it is appropriate for you, please contact Diane Powell at

    • 17 Feb 2025
    • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Online on Zoom


    Class is Feb 17, 6:00 to 7:30 pm, online only in Tampa Meditation Hall
    Ceremony is March 23, 9:30 to 11:30 am, in person only in Tampa Meditation Hall

    Registration Deadline:  February 9

    FCM members who are interested in learning more about making a formal commitment to follow the Buddhist path of practice.


    Since the time of the Buddha, people have expressed their commitment to follow the Buddhist path of practice by taking refuge in the Three Jewels and by receiving transmission of the five Buddhist Precepts or Trainings. Our teacher, Fred, was formally authorized by Thich Nhat Hanh to transmit the Refuges and Trainings.

    Fred will be conducting a Transmission Ceremony at the Tampa Practice Center on Sunday morning, March 23, for any FCM members, including teenagers 13 years and older, who wish to formally Take Refuge and receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings. He will also be transmitting the Two Promises for younger children. As Fred believes this is an important step in one’s spiritual development, you must be present in person at the Center in order to take Transmission.

    Taking Refuge

    Taking Refuge means to take refuge in the Three Jewels—the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. By taking refuge we express our trust in our own capacity to awaken, in the path of practice and mindful living, and in the sangha community to provide a refuge of safety, guidance, and support.

    In the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition, this is expressed as:

    I take refuge in the Buddha, the one who shows me the way in this life.

    I take refuge in the Dharma, the path of understanding and love.

    I take refuge in the Sangha, the community that lives in harmony and awareness.

    Further information on Taking Refuge can be found on the FCM website under Formally Entering the Path.

    The Five Mindfulness Trainings or Precepts

    Thich Nhat Hanh has formulated the traditional five Buddhist precepts as The Five Mindfulness Trainings. They provide the basis for living in ways that create happiness and relieve suffering for ourselves and for others. They are not authoritative rules imposed from the outside but rather guidelines for reflecting on our own actions and their consequences in order to live a more consciously aware life. The Five Mindfulness Trainings can be found on the FCM website under Teachings.

    The Two Promises for Children
    The Two Promises are the mindfulness trainings developed by Thich Nhat Hanh for children. Children of FCM members who are in elementary school (grades 1-5) and middle school (grades 6-8) are eligible to receive Transmission of the Two Promises on March 23. If you are interested please contact Karuna by February 7 at The preparation session for Transmission of the Two Promises will take place during the Family Program, and on zoom, if needed. You will find the Two Promises under the Family and Teen Program on our website.

    The preparatory class will provide further explanation of the Three Refuges and the Five Mindfulness Trainings, explore ways they can be manifested in our daily lives and offer opportunities for questions and answers. Registering and attending the class does not obligate you to Take Refuge or Transmission.  You are welcome to attend if you are just interested in learning more about these two practices and traditions that are integral to the Buddhist path.


    There is no fee for this class or Ceremony.

    Registration Notes

    You must register and attend one of the two classes in order to participate in the Transmission Ceremony on March 23.

    The ceremony on March 23 will be the only time the Transmission Ceremony will be offered. To receive transmission, you must be present in person at the Tampa Practice Center or on zoom for the ceremony.

    Teenagers 13 and older who are children of FCM members are eligible to take the Five Mindfulness Trainings at the same time as the adults. Parents, pleaser register for one of the preparatory classes and put your teen’s name and age in the indicated box in the registration form.

    Contacts for More Information

    If you have any questions about this Intensive program or whether it is appropriate for you, please contact Diane Powell at

    • 05 Mar 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    with Nancy Natilson and Didi Dorsey

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, March 5, 12, 19 & 26 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    Nancy Natilson joined FCM in 2006 and was ordained in the Order of Interbeing five years later. She has facilitated many courses at FCM, including Mindful Eating, Mindful Leadership and Mindfulness at Work. Nancy has served in many roles at FCM, including Board Treasurer, Sangha Care Coordinator, Mindfulness Institute Leader, and Intensive Coordinator. She lives half the year in Seminole Heights and the other half in Nova Scotia, Canada.  She aspires to bring understanding and compassion into all aspects of her life.

    Denise "DiDi" Dorsey has been a member of the Florida Community of Mindfulness (FCM) since 2020. Her impetus to join was to become part of a community that meditated together and followed a path of loving kindness and service. DiDi's community work includes being part of the Flower Team, the Kitchen Team, and the AV Team. 

    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 07 May 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    with Bill MacMillen and Dani Hall

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, May 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    Bill Mac Millen has been a practitioner with the Florida Community of Mindfulness and a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2013. Aspiring to be of service to the community, he is on the Leadership Council overseeing the area of Center Care, a member of Thich Nhat Hahn's Order of Interbeing (OI), and assists in leading a number of FCM offerings to both members and guests.

    Dani Hall joined the Florida Community of Mindfulness in 2019 and embraced the Five Mindfulness Trainings in 2021. As an Order of Interbeing (OI) aspirant and Selfless Service Coordinator, Dani actively integrates mindfulness into daily life. With passions for regenerative gardening, creating Florida native wildlife habitats, and developing food forests, Dani embodies a deep commitment to spiritual growth, environmental stewardship, and mindful living.  

    • 24 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 07 Jul 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    with David Braasch and Dion Hall

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, July 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    Class Instructors

    David Braasch has been a student of mindfulness and meditation at the Florida Community of Mindfulness since 2015, where he has taught Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation, Buddhism: The Basics, and Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a student of Tai Chi, Aikido, and is a certified Qigong teacher under Holden Qigong of Santa Cruz, CA.

    Dion Hall began his journey in Buddhism around 2009 with the Shambhala Meditation Center of Boston, attending the center for about two years. He then went on to practice and study independently for several years. In 2021 with a strong desire to be part of a Sangha he joined FCM. He is active with FCM retreat and intensive offerings. Dion is also an avid student of Buddhism and Vedic philosophy. He received transmission of the Five mindfulness trainings and became an OI aspirant in 2023. In December 2024 concluding The Way of the Bodhisattva intensive Dion received ordination and committed to Bodhisattva vows. 

    • 26 Jul 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 05 Aug 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 06 Sep 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 07 Sep 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • In-Person

    with Bill MacMillen

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Sunday, September 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    Bill Mac Millen has been a practitioner with the Florida Community of Mindfulness and a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2013. Aspiring to be of service to the community, he is on the Leadership Council overseeing the area of Center Care, a member of Thich Nhat Hahn's Order of Interbeing (OI), and assists in leading a number of FCM offerings to both members and guests.

    • 04 Oct 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 14 Oct 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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    • 29 Oct 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
    • In-Person

    with John McHarris

    Do you live in your thoughts about the past or worries about the future? Do your emotions often cause stress and confusion? Do you get carried away by dramas.

    Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation is a four-week course designed to support the practice of mindfulness, helping us develop the skills and attention to be fully present to our lives in the present moment, and to touch each moment deeply. It is intended for those new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as for those who want to review the basics and establish a more consistent daily mindfulness and meditation practice. The course includes basic instruction as well as an exploration of practical ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Systematically explore mindfulness of breathing, the body and physical sensations through sitting and walking meditation and the body scan practice.
    • Establish and maintain a daily meditation practice.
    • Practice mindful meditation to explore the emotions, thoughts, and overall awareness.
    • Apply mindfulness to difficult emotions and thoughts to avoid getting caught up in dramas.
    • Cultivate daily meditation and mindfulness practices so that mindfulness becomes an integral part of your daily life.

    This four-week course will begin on Wednesday, October 29 and November 5, 12, & 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes will be held in-person. The cost is $75 for all four sessions. If you have questions, please contact us at

    John McHarris is a Dharma Instructor with the Florida Community of Mindfulness. He has been a student of FCM's teacher Fred Eppsteiner since 2011. John completed FCM's three year Dharma Transmission Group program, and is an ordained member of the Order of Interbeing. He has Co-led various FCM offerings such as the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation class, FCM Intensives, and Days of Mindfulness. John is the current Chair of FCM's Board of Directors. Although based in Naples, he's also a part-time Tampa resident; in conjunction with FCM's Residency program.

    • 22 Nov 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Tampa Center and Online

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Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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