The Seven Factors of AwakeningTampa | August - September 2014 The Buddha enunciated a spiritual path for awakening, one where we manifest goodness, wisdom, and compassion. Buddhism is a path of wellness, and as we nourish the positive qualities of mind, negative afflictions will naturally diminish. In this Dharma talk to students of FCM, Fred talks about the importance of the path, and teaches about the factor of investigation. Seven Factors of Awakening: Investigation Audio |Video (Aug 23, 2014) In this Dharma talk to students of FCM, Fred Eppsteiner talks about the importance of diligence, or energy, in creating transformation. Seven Factors of Awakening: Diligence Audio |Video(Aug 31, 2014) In this Dharma talk to students of FCM, Fred talks about the importance of the path, and teaches about the fundamental factor of mindfulness. Seven Factors of Awakening: Mindfulness Audio |Video (Aug 17, 2014) As part of this series of talks on the Seven Factors of Awakening, Fred paused for two weeks to discuss how, when developing all factors, we want to simultaneously cultivate "true love" in the Buddhist sense, which includes loving kindness, compassion, joy in the joy of others, and equality of love for all beings. The more we lead an awakened life, the more our egocentricity diminishes and the more we notice the interconnection of all life. True love will naturally arise, and we will move beyond indifference to empathy, and beyond empathy to action. Cultivating Loving Kindness and Compassion with the Seven Factors of Awakening Audio |Video(Sep 28, 2014) Cultivating Joy in the Joy of Others with the Seven Factors of Awakening Audio | Video(Oct 5, 2014) |
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