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Interesting NPR story re: Mindulness and Screentime

  • 07 Jul 2018 8:24 PM
    Message # 6364744
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Friends;

    I saw this story on NPR and thought I'd share it.

    In short; its about our cultural attachment to devices; screen-time, etc...

    and an attempt to approach it more mindfully.

    I hope you find it interesting.

    Bowing to You All - - John McHaris

    Link to the NPR story follows below:

  • 01 Aug 2018 4:45 PM
    Reply # 6409102 on 6364744


    It's interesting that we carry the phone everywhere now. I've noticed how uneasy I feel when it's been left at home.

    Always having it available is understandable if an urgent call is expected or we are taking a long trip where we may need help on the road.  But we attach to our phone as if all the calls are urgent.  Phew! what unnecessary pressure.

    Our habit energies have really hooked us onto our phones. 

    This is worth examining our use. Thanks for the posting.

    Beth Schroeder

Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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