I had the great fortune to attend the seven-day Dzog-chen Wisdom Retreat led by our beloved teacher, Fred, the first week of June.
A number of experiences were impactful, but a particularly touching aspect of this retreat was “storytime” with Fred. He shared his personal
record of teachings received from his time in northern India studying directly with Dzongnang Rinpoche and others, including an interview with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. These sharings were so precious, so direct and deep.
I cannot adequately describe how powerful it was to watch and listen as Fred opened his notebook and stepped back in time almost 50 years. I think it is safe to say we were all riveted.
I have not had the opportunity to experience transmission of the Dharma directly from the great teachers of our generation, such as Thich Nhat Hanh or the Dalai Lama. I have relied upon recordings, books and learning from those who were able to receive their direct transmission.
During this retreat, I realized that our beloved teacher is also one of our generation who has studied at the feet of great teachers and not only received the transmission of their pith teachings, but also their directive to teach the Dharma. We are so fortunate!
Now, as part of my sitting practice every day, I include gratitude for the lineages and past teachers going back to the Buddha, channeling their wisdom through Fred, shining the light of Dharma, lighting the way for us all along the direct path to awakening that is inherent in each of us and possible in this lifetime.
I am filled with gratitude to have the personal circumstances that allow me to take a week off from work and familial obligations to be on a retreat at FCM’s beautiful practice center, in silence, with fellow brothers and sisters on the path, learning from our teacher and practicing the Dharma. I deeply appreciate the space, time and setting all conducive to focus on my practice.
I never want to squander these precious opportunities. Retreat provides a huge recharge and reenergizing of my vows and aspiration.
For me, this retreat was particularly unique and powerful. First was the focus on the preliminaries and adding in bodhicitta. The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind Towards Dharma are foundational in my seated practice.
Adding the cultivation of bodhicitta, the mind of wisdom and compassion that is aimed at liberation for the benefit of all beings, as a preliminary takes the Four Thoughts to another level entirely.
Imagining all the beings who are not able to practice, who are not touched by the Dharma, who are struggling to simply live, or who live in hell realms of suffering, war, violence and drugs, touched my heart, opened my mind and truly brought my aspiration to life.
I feel interbeing-ness. Practicing for me is practicing for you; practicing for you is practicing for me. No separation. So beautiful.
My practice has deepened and softened as a result of this retreat.
This world and the countless suffering beings are with me. I continue to be diligent and relaxed and to open my heart-mind as wide as I can every day. And for those of you waiting to go on retreat, please take the courageous leap. It is so worthwhile.
Misti Oxford-Pickeral lives in Gainesville with her husband, her son, her mom and their two dogs. She is an acupuncturist and a teacher of East Asian medicine, about which she is very passionate. She loves hiking in the woods and spotting wildlife. She is president-elect of the FCM Board of Directors.
Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center 6501 N. Nebraska Avenue Tampa, FL 33604
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