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Selfless Service Work Morning

  • 29 Mar 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • In-Person



Members and non-members are invited to join the FCM community in selfless service and work meditation Saturday, March 29 by participating in this Saturday's workday!

We will begin the day together meeting under the pergola located between the Education Building and Great Cloud in preparation for our mindful work, with an orientation by work day leaders. There will be both indoor and outdoor tasks in need of our joyful attention. Please wear old clothes, sturdy closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves if you have them. Snacks and water will be provided.

We encourage everyone to experience the richness of practicing together, in-person on our campus. Our safety protocols are based on CDC recommendations. Please familiarize yourself with our FCM Health Protocols.

With metta,


Florida Community of Mindfulness, Tampa Center
6501 N. Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

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